Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ricotta, Risotto and Whoopie Pies...

This week has been filled with good eats! First of all, I made cheese! Ricotta! It was so easy and yummy, so proud of myself! I saw the recipe here a while back and was convinced I should give cheese making a try and I am so happy with the results. Woo-hoo!

After making said ricotta, there is whey (by-product) and it just about killed me to think it would all be wasted.  So I googled it and found a whey bread recipe.  It also turned out delicious! I don't remember where I found the recipe, but it was super easy!
Ingredients: 2cups whey, 1 TBSP honey, 2 TBSP oil, 1 package yeast, and about 3 cups flour
Mix all ingredients, then place in a greased bowl and rise to double.  Punch down and put in a bread pan. Bake @350 for 1 hour. Mmmmm.  The bread did not last long!

I had a cooking lesson this week too! Karen from the Accommodating Cook stopped in and taught April, Mrs. T and me how to make lemon chicken risotto! Fun! and double yum!!!! Seriously awesome...

Also made root beer float whoopie pies (vanilla cakes with root beer creme filling) is good.


  1. Ricotta was so yummy. The risotto was so yummy, but the whoopie pies...oh my so much fun! Thank you Callie for including me!!

  2. Mmmm that risotto sounds amazing! Sounds like a fun week!

  3. It was an awesome week! and thank you Mrs Toman for the compliment :)
